Want to Host a Comedian?

Do you want to host a comedian – specifically me! – at your pad?  I accept your invitation and can’t wait to hang out with you.  There are just a few things you have to agree to:

1.An on-camera tour of your pad. You and I will walk through your property with the cameras rolling. Be funny, outspoken, irreverent, whatever you desire. Just don’t be sad and boring because I will want to leave without spending the night. Show me what you’re most proud of and why you can’t imagine living anywhere else.  Have a pet? For the most part, that’s okay. I’ve shared pads with dogs, cats, horses, cows and even a pot-bellied pig. 

2.A sit-down interview. Tell me why you got into home sharing. What do you like about it? What do you dislike? Who has been your best guest (other than me, of course!)  Who has been your worst?

After that, anything is fair game. Take me to your favorite haunts.  I’m up for anything. I’ve been wine tasting in Sonoma, antique shopping in Denton, Texas and beer drinking almost everywhere. I’ve cooked pizzas, learned about vegan diets and so much more.  Remember, YOU are the star of A Comedian Crashes Your Pad. I’m just the straight man.


Vienna interview
Greg filming in Vienna, Austria